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CDS Water

A method whereby units of red blood cells, derived from units of blood, may contain…

CDS Water

Introduction. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of ClO2 with regard…

CDS Water

Aseptrol S10-Tab is a unique formulation of sodium chlorite that rapidly produces the biocidal agent…

CDS Water

The availability of clean water is a major problem facing the world. In particular, the…

CDS Water

Background / Aims: ClO2 , the so-called “ideal biocide”, could also be applied as an…

CDS Water

Chlorine dioxide, a strong oxidant, can inhibit or destroy microbes [1–5]. Studies have investigated the…

CDS Water

Chlorine dioxide is currently under serious consideration in the United States as an alternative to…


Kills 99.9% of pathogens in only 60 seconds.


For only around 86 c per litre one kit will disinfect enough water for consumption for over a month for one person.


Its as easy as making a cup of tea, all instructions included and only takes 1 minute.